Friday, January 9, 2009


Another succesful trip though I was not fully prepared for one of the deals:

2 Oust Scented Candle Refills 3pk(clearance .95- the holders were 1.59 but I wanted to get my coupon so I will have to go back- they only had 2 of the refills so a B2G1 would not have worked)

2 2nd Generation Cleaners (on clearance for 1.19 ea)

Oragel (8.49)

Auto freshener (4.99)

(2)-1 2nd Generation

Total: 16.36 on GC and will recieve 8.49 and 4.99 back on rebate. so 13.48 rebate makes a total spent of 2.88 on GC.

Loving CVS

So I ran by CVS today - a quick trip that made me some ECBs

3 Right Guard Prof Strength (9.99ea)
1 Benefiber 16 ct stick (7.29)
2 Nutrigum (3.99 ea)
1 Nasogel (7.99)
2 Tylenol Cold (6ea)
2 Listerine 1liter- with bonus floss or whitening sample(4.50 ea)
1 Benedryl Predosed packs(4.50)
1 Peanut M&M (.50)

(3)-9.99 Right Guard rain check
-2 Benefiber
-7.29 Benefiber rain check
(2)-4 Tylenol IP
(2)-2 Listerine IP
-5 off 25 purchase of certain prod (CVS Home mailer)
13.49 ECB
7.99 ECB

Total: 0 Woohoo Plus I got back 10 ECBs from J&J Products, 7.99 ECB Nasogel and 7.98 ECB Nutrigum!!! Total ECBs spent: 22.48 total earned: 25.97 an earning of 3.49. Sounds god to me!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Check out my new button on the lower right side of my blog!!! Check out her give a way Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls: The Safe Sippy Giveaway: " It is a safe sippy cup (dishwasher and child). No chemicals, what more coule a mom want????


Ok you teachers and homeschool momsand dads out there, is this a deal for you!!! Scholastic is having dollar days as reported on Money Saving Mom . I got 21 books for only 21 dollars plus the 2.25 shipping!!! You just can't beat that price! Make sure and check it out here. It is only open to teachers and homeschoolers. Honestly though even if you do have children in the public school system, do you not school them at home as well? Children cannot get everything they need to know from public school (that is the main reason we chose homeschooling) so in a way we all homeschool :) Anyway if you are not a teacher or homeschooler pass this on to your child's/grandchild/niece/nephew's teacher. They really do have some great books and reproducables!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Wow I am so out of CVS shape!!! I kind of messed this up but it was ok- It turned out pretty good anyway.


1 Nasogel (7.99)
2 Loreal Hip (7.99 ea)
1 EAS Advantage (7.99)
1 Ultra Smart Blood Glucose Moniter (29.99)
1 Freestyle Moniter (9.99)
1 J&J Baby wash cloths (2.99)
1 Garnier Shampoo (2.99)

5 off $25 CVS
-2 Nasogel Printable
(2)-7.99 HIP raincheck
-7.99 EAS raincheck
-29.99 Ultra Smart
-9.99 Freestyle
-1.50 J and J
-1 J&J CVS
-1 Garnier

Total: 1.68 OOP (was going to use the 1 ECB I had but could not find it so I should have used a higher value one first but she had already rung it up so there was no turning back. But I did get 7.99 ECBs and a 2ECB. So I still made money on the deal!!!